(1) Baby Björn Baby Carrier (http://www.babybjorn.com/products/baby-carriers/) - The first couple of weeks, this was the only place where the Baby would sleep in the early evenings. Still now, she loves being carried around in this (now outward facing). It is great on public transport and when travelling.
(2) Play Mat (http://www.skiphop.com/product/treetopactivitygym.html) - The Baby can spend hours playing on her play mat, giving me time to have a shower, cook etc.

(3) Stokke High Chair with Newborn Set (http://www.stokke.com/en-gb/highchair/stokke-tripp-trapp-newborn-set.aspx) - The Baby loves sitting in this chair and having breakfast with us.
(4) Sleep Sheep - see my post on this: http://diaryofaswissmiss.blogspot.com/2011/11/sleep-sheep.html
(5) Baby Bjoern Bouncer (http://www.babybjorn.com/products/bouncers/) - The Baby loves watching me drying my hair, cooking etc. from this bouncer.
(6) Bibi Dummies - see my post on this: http://diaryofaswissmiss.blogspot.com/2011/11/dummies.html
(7) Weleda Baby Shampoo and Creams (http://www.weleda.co.uk/baby/icat/baby/) - These natural and organic products are great for the bath and afterwards. Weleda also does a great stretch mark massage oil.
(8) Adan & Anais Swaddles - see my post on this: http://diaryofaswissmiss.blogspot.com/2011/11/muslins.html
(8) Adan & Anais Swaddles - see my post on this: http://diaryofaswissmiss.blogspot.com/2011/11/muslins.html
(9) Baby Bath - The Baby loves her bath time. So far I have been using the Flexibath baby bath (which is foldable and therefore easily storeable) (http://www.flexibath.co.uk/flexibath.html) at home and the Beaba folding baby bath (http://www.beaba.com/flash/#/en_GB/products/details/73-122-Folding+Baby+bath) when travelling. However, the Baby is starting to outgrow them. Following a friend's suggestion, I have therefore ordered the Aqua Pod (http://www.mothercare.com/Mothercare-Aqua-Pod/dp/B0011EZ9WS?extid=gs) which seems perfect for the next stage - giving the Baby the necessary support without restraining her too much. Review to follow...
(10) Gina Ford's Contended Little Baby Book - Having a routine has saved me from going insane!